Home » Intelligence Agents Trying to Steal ‘Exquisite Military Secrets’ Behind AUKUS
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Intelligence Agents Trying to Steal ‘Exquisite Military Secrets’ Behind AUKUS

Intelligence agents are allegedly trying to steal confidential military secrets behind the AUKUS agreement, according to Shadow Home Affairs Minister James Paterson.

“Press freedom is a critically important freedom in a Liberal democracy,” Mr Paterson said during a press conference on Tuesday.

“Of course, the Coalition strongly supports freedom of speech but we’re also front-facing a very serious national security threat environment as well.

“The director general of ASIO says that espionage and foreign interference are our number one security risk.

“In the context of the AUKUS agreement, we know that there are intelligence agents all over Australia trying to steal our most exquisite military secrets.

“We have to make sure that those national security imperatives are appropriately balanced against the press freedom imperatives that we want to protect as well.”

Source : Sky News
