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Australia and the US Promote Nuclear Technology Cooperation Under the AUKUS Agreement

VOV.VN – Starting from November 2023, the Australian National University will host a joint nuclear research and technology transfer project with the US’s Los Alamos National Laboratory to improve innovation capacity. and manage nuclear safety for Australia within the framework of the AUKUS Tripartite Security Treaty.

According to information from the Office of the Australian Government, the Australian National University (ANU) is leading the country’s largest nuclear physics research and training programs and plays a key role in enhancing nuclear capacity. sovereign entities as well as implementing key contents in the science and technology partnership under the AUKUS agreement.

australia and america meet the needs of listening to the aukus image 1
Heavy ion accelerator facility at Australian National University. Source: ANU

Therefore, after Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s visit to the US, the leaders of both sides agreed to assign ANU and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the US’s leading nuclear research agency, to coordinate Launching a cooperative project on nuclear research and technology transfer between the two countries.

According to Professor Andrew Stuchbery, Head of ANU’s Department of Nuclear Physics, ANU has one of the most innovative nuclear science facilities and programs in the world. Therefore, the new partnership between ANU and LANL of the US will bring great advances in nuclear science and help improve the ability to manage the safe use of nuclear technologies in Australia. Accordingly, collaborative activities will be conducted at the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) at ANU, which has been a leader in nuclear science in Australia for the past 50 years.

In addition to serving AUKUS, research activities will help Australia improve its ability to sustainably protect the natural environment, understand the origins of exotic states of matter and even launch spacecraft into space. , quantum computing and developing and testing new technologies. In addition, the two parties will also allow students to carry out research projects and hands-on training in the safe use of nuclear science and technology, including applications such as radiation simulation and modeling as well as cancer therapies.According to Dr Thomas McGoram, Executive Director of the Heavy Ion Collider Facility and based in the ANU Research School of Physics, this collaboration will benefit Australia by enhancing ANU’s capabilities in meeting the growing need for a highly skilled, nuclear-qualified workforce, a clear priority for AUKUS, but also needed to support the quantum industry, nuclear medicine , researching Australia’s climate and environment, critical minerals and space industry.

Source : VOV
